Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Seasonal Foods

"Holy Crap!", I bet you're all saying. Along with, "And where the hell have you been?". Good question! This preparing for the birth of ones first child has become a damn nuisance and a major distraction from a plethora of other things that need to be gotten on with. Pregnant Palmer is now unemployed, extremely large and enjoying the easy life of day-time TV channel-surfing!

We've not been doing nothing though. The back garden is quite the project on it's own... we'll get some photos up for you. It's that awesome time of year when plants just simply want to grow, so we've been spending many an hour seeding, hardening, and planting lots of yummy foodstuffs. We'll get some photos up of that stuff too.

Seasonal foodstuffs for May... and there's a glutt of them this month.

May Vegetables
Asparagus, broad beans, brocolli, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, jersey royal new potatoes, kohlrabi, lettuces & salad leaves (you would not believe how quick these grow), onions, peas, radishes, rhubarb, rocket, spinach, spring onion, watercress, wild nettles.

May Seafood
Cockles, cod, coley, conger eel, crab, john dory, lemon sole, mackerel (wholly sustainable and delicious to boot), plaice, pollock, salmon, sea trout, shrimp, whelks and whitebait.

So come on peeps, eat the bounty :~)

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