Thursday, 23 September 2010

Appropriate Energy Saving Technology

This should give you all pause to think about what technologies you currently use and whether you could move from Priority 3 fuels to Priority 1 & 2 fuels. If you want to view our table you will need to click on the images. I've yet to work out how to copy and paste tables into Blogger... if it's possible at all!

1. Consider the energy you use in your activities and the sources from where it comes. Create a table similar to the one below and fill in the appropriate information. Identify strategies for using more priority one sources of energy and fewer priority two and priority three sources based on behaviour, design and technology considerations.

As discussed in previous assignments, we are keen to trial any “green” technologies in order to find our best fit. Due to the fact that the site is YET to have a building put on it, it makes for an attractive, experimental location for all manner of Priority one technologies. If properly planned the need for Priority 3 sources can be minimised. The site is currently off the grid, but this is probably temporary and realistically the technologies we select will offer a means of reducing our dependence on the grid.

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